Critical Words
Personal project
Published Jan. 1, 2021
A brief text analysis of the popular D&D live play web series
- Scraped transcripts and wrangled data with R
- Episode transcripts are stored in a MongoDB databases and queried via an Express app deployed to Heroku
- Multiple visualization techniques using d3.js
This was a passion project that served as an opportunity to practice setting up an API and learn how to query a custom database in the browser. For those unfamiliar with the series, Critical Role is a live-play D&D show where each episode is typically between three and four hours. This results in a lot of dialogue, all of which is transcribed and put up on the show’s wiki.
This project had three main phases, each of which served as a learning opportunity:
- Using R, extract, clean, and wrangle the text data from the wiki into a useable database [Scraper repo]
- House that data in a MongoDB database and make it queryable via an Express app hosted on Heroku [API repo]
- Visualize the data in a stepper visual essay